Barges Help ACD Reach Difficult Sites

ACD recently had several projects where the contractor used barges to stabilize shorelines that are otherwise be difficult to reach. It has allowed us to stabilize some of the highest priority shorelines and added efficiency to the work. Recent projects have been on Martin Lake and the Rum & Mississippi Rivers. 

At Martin Lake, larger homes on smaller lots often mean that there is no path for equipment to reach the lakeshore from the road. Steep slopes can also prohibit access. At the Mississippi River, the barges allowed materials and equipment for multiple sites to be staged at one location. This eliminated the need to restore damaged lawns and improved construction efficiency.

Small excavators work from the barge itself. The barge is moved up and down the shoreline. In this way the equipment is never driven in the water where it would disturb sediment and destroy aquatic vegetation. For more information contact Jamie Schurbon, Wetland Specialist, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  123 Hits

Lakeshore Buffer Plantings!

Photo: Homeowners installing a native plant shoreline buffer at Martin Lake, with assistance from ACD.

This June, ACD is planting 10 lakeshore buffers, part of a shoreline stabilization totaling nearly 800 feet of shoreline at three lakes. Native plants help hold in place the shoreline soils against erosion and provide near shore habitat. ACD and its project partners, such as the Sunrise River Watershed Management Organization, have goals of increasing native and stable shorelines. 

"Disappearing" natural shorelines is affecting lake health at many waterbodies in the region. ACD staff regularly assists homeowners who wish to do native shoreline buffers. With a little guidance, these projects can be do-it-yourself installation, or professionally installed. Cost share grants are available. Big or small, each is a step toward healthier, cleaner lakes and rivers. For more information contact, Watershed Projects Manager, Jamie Schurbon at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 763-434-2030 ext 210.  

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Congrats to Jonn Olson, Friend of Martin Lake!

Friend of Martin Lake 2024 recipient Jonn Olson (center) with Martin Lakers Association President John Mattila (right) and Vice President Mike Smith (left).

Jonn Olson was the recipient of the annual "Friend of Martin Lake" award at the May 2024 annual meeting of the Martin Lakers Association. Jonn, along with the Linwood Township maintenance crew, was instrumental during spring 2023 flooding. They helped ensure water continued to flow when bogs were threatening to clog water structures. Jonn is a Linwood Township Supervisor and member of the Sunrise River Watershed Management Organization. The Friend of Martin Lake award originated in the early 2000's, when ACD presented it to the Martin Lakers Association. It has been a traveling annual award ever since.

For more information contact Jamie Schurbon, Watershed Project Manager, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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What is a Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD)?

ACD Water Resources Technician, Breanna Keith, meeting with property owners interested in shoreline health.

We're the private lands conservation experts! We provide financial resources and expertise to help private landowners with conservation efforts on their property that also have public benefits. Minnesota is a unique state, with an SWCD in nearly every county to assist with work on the ~70% of Minnesota's lands that are private. ACD is simply an SWCD that shortened its name. In comparison, the well-known MN Department of Natural Resources (DNR) manages public lands and resources. 

For more information about SWCD's and the role they play within the state, contact
Jamie Schurbon, Watershed Program Manager, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.g

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More than a River - It's a Trail

Watershed Projects Manager, Jamie Schurbon, Enjoying the Rum River State Water Trail With His Family

In Anoka County, the Rum and Mississippi Rivers are designated State Water Trails. Like many state trails, information is available about trail access, places to camp, culturally significant areas, and more on the MNDNR's water trails website. ACD is completing a number of projects along both rivers to improve water quality and habitat. We've been especially busy with projects along the Rum River that include wetland restorations, riverbank stabilizations, invasive species management, and habitat protection. Many of these projects are funded in part by the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment.  

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