Good land management and development decision-making requires good information. For example, city leaders reviewing a new development proposal might require the development to be rearranged slightly to protect important natural resources, but only if they have an inventory of the site. Natural resource managers can only focus their attention on addressing environmental problems, such as erosion, if they know where those problems are located. The Anoka Conservation District conducts inventories to provide local leaders, citizens, and natural resource agencies with the information needed to make good decisions. And, we put that information at your fingertips through this website.
Inventories conducted to date, or in progress, include:
- Land Cover Inventory - a Geographic Information System (GIS) utilizing the Minnesota Land Cover Classification System (MLCCS). With these maps you can see existing land cover types across the county. It provides a high level of detail. For example, the database includes what types of trees dominate a woodlot, or what kind of development is present in a certain urbanized area. Use our Mapping Utility to view the land cover inventory.
- Digital Soil Survey - working with the federal USDA - Natural Resource Conservation Service, our 1970's-vintage soil survey was converted into a digital, computerized format so that it can be used with GIS, CAD drawings of developments, aerial photos, and other formats. Use our Mapping Utility to view the new digital soil survey.
- Shoreland Inventory - maps of shoreline status (eroding, stable, etc) and management (mowed to edge, natural buffer, etc). These inventories allow us to focus our cost share programs and education campaigns on those properties that are impacting our lakes and streams.
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