
Barges Help ACD Reach Difficult Sites

ACD recently had several projects where the contractor used barges to stabilize shorelines that are otherwise be difficult to reach. It has allowed us to stabilize some of the highest priority shorelines and added efficiency to the work. Recent projects have been on Martin Lake and the Rum & Mississippi Rivers. 

At Martin Lake, larger homes on smaller lots often mean that there is no path for equipment to reach the lakeshore from the road. Steep slopes can also prohibit access. At the Mississippi River, the barges allowed materials and equipment for multiple sites to be staged at one location. This eliminated the need to restore damaged lawns and improved construction efficiency.

Small excavators work from the barge itself. The barge is moved up and down the shoreline. In this way the equipment is never driven in the water where it would disturb sediment and destroy aquatic vegetation. For more information contact Jamie Schurbon, Wetland Specialist, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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Germination Success!
Rum Riverbank Stabilization in Oak Grove

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