Rain Garden Construction Video - 225th Lane Outlot, St. Francis, MN

This ACD video showcases a successfully completed rain garden that was built on a city outlot in St. Francis, MN. This rain garden was funded through the Clean Water, Land, and Legacy Amendment, with additional funds from the Upper Rum River Watershed Management Organization. The City of St. Francis will provide project maintenance. This video combines real footage, motion graphics, and 3D animation to showcase the entire construction process and illustrate the process of building a rain garden with an underdrain system. The underdrain system is largely hidden underground, so this video is intended to help inform on what a underdrain system may look like. For more information contact Brian Clark, Natural Resource Technician, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  180 Hits

Log Revetments Holding Lakeshore in Place

Photo: A log revetment installed on the NE side of Martin Lake.

Addressing eroding slopes along an undeveloped portion of the Martin Lake shoreline required a creative stabilization solution. Sandy soils, wave action (increasing with boat activity), and fluctuating water levels cumulatively drove soil loading to the lake and the gradual encroachment of the shoreline toward the adjacent road. However, site access and workable land upslope was limited, and preserving mature trees and other natural shoreline elements was a priority. To achieve this, sections of stacked logs were anchored to the base of the shoreline along critical eroding areas. 

Photo: Diagram by the Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Association.

The lower logs act as a barrier to prevent waves from washing out soil at the base of the slope, and the upper logs trap the sandy soil falling from behind – rebuilding the eroded voids and creating a more stable slope within which vegetation can become re-established. At the same time, wildlife such as nesting turtles can still access these areas. ACD staff will continue monitoring this site in the coming years to assess its long-term effectiveness in protecting the shoreline. For more information contact Breanna Keith,Water Resource Specialist, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  454 Hits

Agricultural Lunch & Learn

  1014 Hits

2023 ACD Technical Assistance Summary

ACD staff provide technical assistance for a wide-variety of projects each year. Many of the requests for assistance come directly from landowners interested in improving natural resources on their individual properties. Technical assistance is also provided for projects in collaboration with county, city, and watershed entity partners. The table below summarizes 2023 technical assistance provided by ACD staff. 

Assistance usually begins with a site consultation. Consultations typically include a conversation with the landowner, desktop review of the site using GIS mapping software and available data sets, and a site visit to discuss options. If the landowner is interested in pursuing a project, ACD can provide design and installation oversight services. Maintenance guidance is also provided for previously installed projects.

For more information contact Mitch Haustein, Stormwater & Shoreline Specialist, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  824 Hits

Restoring Wetlands on Your Property

Minnesota is rich in wetlands which provide numerous benefits such as flood mitigation, groundwater recharge, water quality improvement, recreation, and high-quality habitat for a wide variety of fish and wildlife species. However, many wetlands exist in a degraded state due to decades of human disturbances such as drainage and filling to increase usable land for agriculture and urban development.

Recognizing their importance, many federal, state, and local agencies have developed programs to provide technical expertise and funding for wetland restoration projects. The goal of wetland restoration is to return a wetland to its natural functions, and the nature of each project depends on the wetland's unique location, hydrology, soils, vegetation, and impacts (historic and current).

Restoring wetlands on your property adds to its ecological value and can often be financially beneficial. Understanding your options can be complicated, which is why ACD – on behalf of, and with funding from, the Rum River Watershed Partnership – created a new wetland restoration brochure. In it, you will find information on benefits, approaches, processes, and funding options common for wetland restoration projects. Click here to access the brochure below.

Anoka County Residents: ACD currently has funding to support wetland restorations benefitting the Rum River! If you live near the Rum River, believe that you have impacted wetlands on your property, and are interested in restoring them, please contact Breanna Keith, Water Resources Technician, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to learn more. 

  1375 Hits

2020 ACD Technical Assistance Summary

ACD staff provide technical assistance for a wide variety of projects each year. Many of the requests for assistance come directly from landowners interested in improving natural resources or addressing concerns on their properties. Technical assistance is also provided for projects in collaboration with county, city, and watershed entity partners. The table to the right summarizes 2020 technical assistance provided by ACD staff.

Assistance begins with a site consultation. Consultations typically include a conversation with the landowner, desktop review of the site using GIS mapping software and available data sets, and a site visit to discuss options. If the landowner is interested in pursuing a project, ACD can provide design and installation oversight services. Maintenance guidance is also provided for previously installed projects.

Additional information about active projects and those previously completed is available on ACD's project tracking map.


  1550 Hits