Lakeshore Stewardship Highlighted Following Spring Flooding

High water levels combined with strong winds impacted lakeshores throughout Minnesota this spring. In some cases, already-eroding and unprotected shorelines receded by multiple feet. In others, existing structures such as timber retaining walls were damaged – drastically compromising the land above. These occurrences highlight the importance of lakeshore practices that create resilient, stable, and healthy shorelines. ACD is working to maximize technical and financial resources to assist landowners with their shoreline restoration needs.

Martin Lake, located in northern Anoka County, was particularly impacted by spring flooding. Fortunately, grant funds were recently secured to provide assistance with restoration and stabilization efforts on this lake. Many landowners are interested in addressing erosion and improving wildlife habitat on their shorelines; in total, ACD staff met with residents at 20 different properties. Properties providing the greatest opportunities for water quality and ecological benefits will be selected for partial funding through available grants, and recommendations/ guidance will be provided for the remainder.

If you notice erosion on your shoreline or otherwise want to enhance its resiliency and ecological value, check out our "Our Lakeshore Connection" animated video to learn more:

Or contact Breanna Keith at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 763.434.2030 x160

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Lake Water Levels

The Department of Natural Resources collaborates with Anoka Conservation District to collect lake level data from many lakes across the county. This partnership allows ACD to work directly with county residents who volunteer for the lake level program. These volunteers record the lake level from a staff gauge placed in the lake (typically close to their property) weekly. These data are then reported to ACD and the DNR, and are used on the LakeFinder website.

The DNR LakeFinder website is the best means for the public to access available data on more than 4,500 Minnesota lakes relating to fisheries information, lake area and maximum depth, depth maps, lake water levels, water quality and clarity, air photos, and topographic maps. About 1,450 of the lakes have a historical record of more than 100 water level readings.

At the LakeFinder main page, go to "Find a Lake" and search by county, lake name, or 8-digit identification number for any lake. Click on the lake in the Search Results. On the next page, click on Water Levels report in the left hand column.

The Lake Water Level report page contains information from reported data, including:

  • reported historical and current lake levels
  • period of record and number of readings
  • highest recorded lake level
  • highest known lake level
  • lowest recorded lake level
  • recorded range
  • ordinary high water level [also shown as the red line on the 10-year graph]
  • datum
  • benchmarks
  • most recent 10-year graph [X-axis Year tick mark references mid-year]

ACD is currently seeking a volunteer for Peltier Lake. The permanent staff gauge is affixed to the outlet dam and is easily accessible from the Peltier Lake and Rice Creek Boat Launch parking lot. Having consistent data will help keep the DNR's LakeFinder website up to date throughout the summer. If you are interested in volunteering in taking weekly readings at Peltier Lake, you can reach out to Mollie Annen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 763-434-2030 ex. 180

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