Summer, 2023 at a riverbank project, installed in 2021, in Mississippi River Community Park is thriving in 2023.
The project included tree clearing, regrading, riprap, seeding, and planting of a variety of native plant species.
A gravel bed was installed in May, 2023 at the ACD Office.
Gravel beds are designed to store bare-root trees and shrubs while enhancing root development.
A riverbank stabilization project on the Rum River was installed June, 2023 that implemented brush wattles, cedar tree revetment, native seed and hydro mulch with an additional 1,000 native plants being planted in Fall, 2023.
In Spring, 2023 ACD staff recorded 34 native plant species growing at a lakeshore restoration on Fawn Lake in North East Anoka County. This restoration was installed Spring, 2022.