Stormwater Pond Enhancement - Construction Begins Soon

Apex Pond in the City of Fridley was originally constructed in 1999 to help control the rate of stormwater runoff entering Springbrook Creek from nearly 90 acres of residential neighborhoods. ACD, in partnership with the City of Fridley and Coon Creek Watershed District (CCWD) identified an opportunity to enhance the water quality treatment capacity of Apex Pond by increasing the pond's storage volume.

Project construction will consist of two phases: 1) maintain the pond by removing accumulated sediment and undesirable vegetation to restore original function, and 2) enhance the pond by increasing the depth to approximately six feet. Mature trees around the pond will be preserved where possible and native vegetation will be used to restore the pond side slopes. A vegetated, level bench will also be incorporated around the perimeter of the pond to provide habitat value and increase safety.

Both Springbrook Creek (County Ditch #17) and the Mississippi River will benefit from the project as the pond outlets to Springbrook, and Springbrook is a tributary to the Mississippi. Total annual reductions to Springbrook and the Mississippi River include 16.80 lbs-TP/yr and 6,617 lbs-TSS/yr. Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin in early October.

Pond maintenance will be funded by the City of Fridley, and pond enhancement will be funded with a combination of Watershed Based Implementation Funds from the Board of Water and Soil Resources, a CCWD Water Quality Cost-Share Program grant, and the City of Fridley.

You can also check for project updates on the City of Fridley's website: 

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