Hydrology is the study of water quantity and movements. ACD conducts stream hydrology monitoring on streams, rivers, and ditches throughout the county. Hydrological data helps engineers and natural resource managers better understand the effects of rain events, land development, and stormwater management. The data is used for flood prediction, engineering solutions to flooding problems, calculating pollutant loadings in streams, and computer modeling.
Stream hydrology monitoring is done with pressure inducer dataloggers, that record water levels continuously every 15 minutes, and are downloaded periodically throughout the season. Equipment is deployed during the open water season. Each year we survey the gauges so the readings correspond to sea level elevations. At some sites, we have determined rating curves (mathematical relationship between the water level and flow), which allows us to estimate flow from the water level data.
To view or download raw data about a particular stream from this website, use our Data Access tool.
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Stream Hydrology Monitoring Methods
USGS - Rum River Real-Time Hydrology
USGS - Mississippi River Real-Time Hydrology